Why Gamification Matters?

Stand Out in the Crowd in your marketing strategy!

Gamification is the application of marketing or educational content to an interface that introduces game mechanics. It’s not the same as gaming because it isn’t a separate type of content. Instead, it’s a way to repurpose content that exploits the motivations inherent to games.

  • Opportunities to Learn in Virtual/Simulated Environment.
  • Reward-based Training.
  • Strategic approach towards to address short attention spans.

While gamification can help people learn, it’s actually more valuable in terms of engagement. People associate the activity with your brand, which makes them feel included. It can also help you create a deeper relationship with your customers. You become more indispensable to them, and they develop a deep sense of loyalty that can result in a higher customer lifetime value and more revenue.

Our Gamification Strategy and Development Process

Our comprehensive Gamification strategy ensures a well crafted game to meet end objective.


Gamification – at its core – is about driving engagement to influence business results. When people participate and engage with your gamification initiative, they learn the best way to interact with your business, your products, your services and your brand.

The business value of gamification doesn’t end with the participant. Engagement with game mechanics provides insightful data that can help influence marketing campaigns, platform utilization and performance goals.

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There is no need to reinvent the wheel, your current corporate initiatives are eligible for gamification. Determine where you are and where you want your company to be, then let your gamification strategy support your current strategy.

Define the users around the business goals and include metrics. This design should encompass an engagement map, measurement, and room for adjustments. Selection of the right tool to meet your corporate strategy is the key.

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Game Design

Remember that gamification is not like gaming. It’s more about engagement and teaching. Gamification does provide motivation, but only when it’s executed properly. For gamification to work, you need three critical elements

  • Create simple gamification strategy
  • Participants need to feel as though they’re getting value from the activity
  • Game disgn should marry the ultimate brand goals

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Game Launch

Once the development is comeplete, lauching the Game with a clear strategy is very important. A soft launch within a target community is an important step one should not skip. It allows you to split test everything like design, user retention, and even marketing strategies.

Making necessary changes to the Game before the fard launch is also onc aspect, which works positively in almost every scenario. The key is to analyze the data correctly in order to identify what you need to change.

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